
Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Primary

Welcome to our website. I hope it offers you a flavour of the community that is Christ The King Primary School.
Christ The King is a wonderful school comprising of children from diverse backgrounds. We are a happy community, one which is rooted in tradition whilst at the same time very forward looking. For me as Headteacher, it is a privilege to serve this community and I cherish the tremendous gift that has been placed into our hands by our parents. 
At Christ the King, we are proud of the rich curriculum we provide, a curriculum which is dynamic, carefully planned and consistently reviewed to meet the needs of the children. 
As a Catholic school, what makes us so distinct? I would sum it up as follows: We work with our families and children of all faiths. We provide our children with a set of educational experiences that help you as parents shape their values and their attitudes. Thereby we (and you) collaborate as we seek to grow each child so that they exceed expectations.  
Above all, at Christ the King, we seek to nurture children who will take leadership roles in our local and national society. Our children will grow into adult's of courage who are alive to the needs of humanity and committed to making a better world.
Mr Brian Morton
