
List of Governors

The Governors of Christ the King Catholic Primary School are volunteers drawn from a variety of walks of life who serve the school in a variety of ways.


School Governors:

Chair of Governors: Mrs Diaine Jee 

Vice Chair of Governors: Miss Jo Martin  

Head Teacher: Mr Brian Morton 

Staff Governors: Ms Rachelle Kent          

Foundation Governors: Mr Callum Cooper, Mrs Mel Lord (TBC) 

Co-Opted Governors: Mr Mike Carter, Mr Kaleem Akhtar                                                                                  

If you wish to express your interest in becoming a Governor, please email the Clerk at the email address given below.

Clerk to the Governors:  Ms Carol Bailey (christtheking@ctkcps.com).

Our different backgrounds and skills are used to support the school community in fulfilling its mission – to promote high achievement and learning for life by working together to create a “A Christ Centred Community”.

Diaine Jee (Foundation Governor, Safeguarding Governor and Chair of Governors)

As a mother of two children, and having relocated from Lancashire in 2009 my daughter attended Christ the King from Year 3 and is now enjoying her time at St Peter's.  My son attended Winchelsea Special School, and then went on to college.

I am passionate about the importance of education; firstly the whole enabling and empowerment of all young people so that they are confidently on their way to reaching their full potential, and secondly for that to be in a high quality and continuously improving environment.

I am an ex Civil Servant with 24 years service, mainly with The Department of Health.  My working career was always a challenging, often difficult and hectic (in truth manic!) environment from national projects, working with Ministers to policy development and implementation.  A lasting message is that great things can be achieved through the door of education. 

I look forward to the new challenge of Foundation Governor and working with a group of committed individuals who bring different experiences, skills and views, and learning more about how we can best contribute to the life of the school. 

Finally, I want for our children to have the greatest opportunity to achieve the best they possibly can and leave best prepared for the next stage of their education journey, with lasting, happy memories of their time at Christ the King.


Term of office from 25/07/22 to 24/07/26

Mike Carter (R.E./Catholic Life Governor)

I have been a Foundation Governor for over 10 years, appointed by the Plymouth Catholic Diocese. Early on I took a role in the build and development of the Orchard Nursery which, before we became an Academy, was owned by the Governors of the school. I am still the link governor for the nursery and sit on their management committee. I am now the Community Link and Co-Opted Governor for RE and Catholic Life.

I have 4 children all now grown up and moved away and use the skills gained from bringing them up and many training courses to provide supported lodgings as a carer within Bournemouth Borough Councils Pathways scheme for young people age 16 to 25.

Term of Office from 27/03/23 to 26/03/27

Carol Bailey (Clerk to the Governors)

 I took on the role of Clerk to the Governors in 2014 and I really enjoy my role.  I have children and know how important their education was. I am proud to be able to work with a dedicated and committed team of Governors at Christ the King Catholic Primary School. My role is to support and advise the Governing Body on constitutional matters and to ensure Governors work within the legislative framework. It is important for Governors to understand their statutory responsibility and to ensure accountability. I work closely with the Chair and Headteacher. It is a privilege to be able to support the School in these challenging and exciting times.


Mel Lord (Deputy Headteacher)

My name is Melanie Lord and I have been a Governor at Christ the King Primary School since 2003. I have had two breaks in this service; when I was on maternity leave, looking after my two sons. I have very strong ties with Christ the King, as a former pupil I started in Nursery at the age of 3 and left in Year 6 to go to St. Peter’s. As a Teacher Governor, I am part of the Curriculum Committee. In my role as Headteacher, I am passionate about the education that all of our children receive at Christ the King School and I am privileged, not only to teach them, but also to serve on the Governing body, ensuring that our children get what they deserve... the very best!

Term of office from 30/9/2020 to 29/09/2024

Jo Martin (Foundation Governor and SEND/Pupil Premium Governor)

I have lived in Kinson all my life and have enjoyed an association with the School, both personally and professionally. I attended the school as a pupil and am an active parishioner in the Church.

I currently serve as a Foundation Governor and am the link Governor for SEND and Pupil Premium.

I have been and always will be committed to Christ the King. It is a very special place and the staff, pupils and entire school community should be incredibly proud of what they are achieving.

My job is Deputy Manager of the Orchard Nursery where I am room leader for the 2 - 5-year olds and am the SENCo of the nursery. We are a feeder to the school, and this helps promote a good link between the two.

Term of Office 04/07/2022 - 03/07/2026

Mr Kaleem Akhtar (Co-Opted Governor)

I am very pleased to have joined the Christ the King Governing Body. I was interested in joining as I was keen to share my experience and passion for the school in a way which can hopefully make a difference. I have lived in Bournemouth since 2013 and couldn't think of a better place to bring my children up. I have worked for the NHS for the past 10 years and look forward to continuing to support the LCB as I am passionate about Safeguarding and keeping children safe in education.

Term of Office 25/05/2022 - 24/05/2026

Callum Cooper (Foundation Governor TBC)
I worked at Christ the King have had a few different roles: I started as a volunteer, became a Teaching Assistant and as a Year 6 Teacher. I was also the school’s Computing Lead. I enjoyed taking part in wider aspects of school life, for example helping direct the KS2 Summer Productions- one of my favourites was Grease a few years ago! I have always wanted to teach and enjoy the busy but rewarding school atmosphere. I believe every child has the right to grow and become the best they can be.
Term of Office 21/10/2023 - 20/10/2027
Rachelle Kent (Staff Governor)
My name is Rachelle Kent and I have been a teacher at Christ the King Primary School since 2013. As a staff governor and Acting Deputy Head, I am able to liaise between the staff and Governors with the aim to look after staff wellbeing.  Leading Curriculum Design is a passion of mine, to create a curriculum that is broad and wide and whole. I am also lead for Looked-after Children and Pupil Premium children and report to the Governors each half-term. My great passion though is The Arts. I am so excited to be able to use my artistic background to teach Music, lead the choir and lead the school towards gaining the ArtsMark Award.  Christ the King is a special place, and I am so grateful to be a part of making a difference to the lives of the children here.