School Meals / Nutrition
- All School Meals need to be booked via the SchoolMoney App including those entitled to Free School Meals.
- Meals must be booked by the Wednesday for the following week.
- All the children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal but the meal choices need to be made in advance on SchoolMoney.
- Children can bring a packed lunch or you can decide to take advantage of ordering a cooked meal through the school office. There are 2 choices available daily (Main and Vegetarian) at a reasonable cost.
- Drinks have to be in a secure plastic container (not bottles or cans).
- Children entitled to Free School Meals will receive a hot meal in school if booked. Advice on Free School Meals can be obtained from the office.
- Children may bring a piece of fruit to eat at morning playtime – no other snacks are allowed.
- All children are provided with a water bottle in class with water to drink during lesson times. Research has shown a regular drink of water improves concentration and therefore progress.
- Children in Nursery and Reception (up to 5 years of age) are entitled to free school milk and parents should register with Cool Milk.
- Children in the rest of the school can have milk at a cost to parents. Forms are available in the office.