Welcome to Pre-School
This is our area where you will find the latest news, newsletters and other key information.
Pre-School Team:
Pre-School Leader: Mrs Riggs
TAs -
AM: Mrs Norris
PM: Mrs McGrath
HLTA: Mrs Mahon
Pre-school hours are currently 8.30am-3pm
We have a morning session, lunch club and afternoon session. These can be combined to create a full day.
Morning session times: 8.30am- 11.30am
Lunch club: 11.30am - 12.00pm
Afternoon session times: 12.00pm- 3pm
Sessions can be chosen as a combination of morning and/or afternoons throughout the week.
Government funding for 3-4 year olds is for 15 hours. This is provided the term after your child's 3rd birthday.
There is also 30 hours funding for eligible parents. This will need to be applied for termly to assure eligibility is still applicable. Please visit:
for more details.